Sunday, January 13, 2008

Locked out and embarrassed

It was a nice day so I went outside to get some fresh air and daydream. When I came back to the common room, I suddenly couldn't remember the password. CatWhiskers!! I sat outside the painting waiting for one of my fellow Hufflepuffs to come by and wouldn't you know it...GUS came by with a bunch of his friends.

I tried to look casual like I had just arrived a few minutes and was searching for something, but I didn't have a bag or books or anything with me. He just smiled at me and said, "Did you forget the password, 2nd year?" like I was a little kid. Oh I wanted to pull out my wand and curse him, but I resisted. Stupid smug 4th years. At least I got the password.


Antonio dela Weasley said...

Hi Petunia,

I just got in last night and am trying to meet all of my fellow Puffs.

Thanks for the owl you sent me last week. I like your leg warmers too ::hee:: Have you seen, I have matching arm warmers as well?

I'll see you around the common room.


Brooke Knits said...

Howdy fellow HUfflepuff. Should I have made a Hogwarts blog?? Your blog is very impressive. I saw teh post for common rooms chats. how to I get there??