Thursday, January 3, 2008

Social Butterfly

Well, not one to "stick to her own kind" I ventured out of the Hufflepuff common room to check out some of the other students. Lots of girls named Fleur and so many knitters! I guess "Fleur" is the new "Jessica." Also, a couple of Emmas, some Cassandras, but I'm still the only Petunia in school. (Honestly, I could die of embarrassment) Please call me Tuney. Everyone does.

Ever since Hogwarts installed DSL (way to keep up with the Muggles) , nearly everyone has a blog--well, lots of us anyway. (I tend to exaggerate a little) I've linked to all the other knitters I met on the sidebar. Well, I have to finish a report on Disillusionment Charms. See ya!

1 comment:

Fleur Crockford said...

All of the other Fleurs are just imitating me, actually. Although, I do love the name Petunia. I will call you Tuney if you really want me to.